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[Cloud] OpenStack basic

OpenStack is an open source platform for cloud computing, providing infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It is built on several main components, each with a specific function. The main components include:

1. Compute (Nova)

Function: Provides computing resources (virtual machines, bare-metal, containers).

Nova manages the creation, scheduling, and destruction of virtual machines or containers.

2. Storage

Block Storage (Cinder)

Function: Provides block storage for applications.

Commonly used as a virtual hard drive for virtual machines.

Object Storage (Swift)

Function: Stores data as objects.

Suitable for storing large, unstructured data, such as images or backups.

3. Networking (Neutron)

Function: Manages networking for OpenStack resources.

Provides the ability to create and manage virtual networks, IP addresses, firewalls, and load balancing.

4. Dashboard (Horizon)

Function: Web interface for managing and using OpenStack.

Easily manage resources without command lines.

5. Identity (Keystone)

Function: Manage user authentication and authorization.

Provides login services, token creation, and permission policy management.

6. Image Service (Glance)

Function: Manage operating system images.

Store, share, and initialize virtual machines from available images.

7. Orchestration (Heat)

Function: Automatically deploy and manage complex applications through configuration files (templates).

Integrate multiple OpenStack resources into an automated system.

8. Telemetry (Ceilometer)

Function: Collect monitoring and measurement data.

Used to monitor, calculate, and manage resources.

9. Bare Metal Provisioning (Ironic)

Function: Manage physical hardware (bare-metal).

Supports operating system deployment directly on hardware.

10. Container Infrastructure (Zun/Magnum)

Zun: Manage containers such as Docker or Kubernetes.

Magnum: Provide Kubernetes or Docker Swarm on OpenStack.

11. DNS Service (Designate)

Function: Manage DNS as a service.

Supports automation and integration with network components.

12. Workflow (Mistral)

Function: Automate workflows.

Support writing scripts to perform repetitive tasks.

13. Shared File Systems (Manila)

Function: Provide shared file storage services (NFS, CIFS).

Support using shared storage resources between virtual machines.

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[LB-HA] Understand about High Available (HA) and Load Balancing

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[AI] Text Data Analysis methologys

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[AI] Interesting Deep Learning Algorithms

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