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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2022

Difference between Ganache and Truffle

  Ganache Truffle allows you to create a private Ethereum block chain for you to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates. It gives you the ability to perform all actions you would on the main chain without the cost. Many developers use this to test their smart contracts during development. It provides convenient tools such as advanced mining controls and a built-in block explorer. a developer environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for block chains. It allows developers to spin up a smart contract project at the click of a button and provides you with a project structure, files, and directories that make deployment and testing much easier (or else you would have to configure these yourself). Ganache is a little different, in that it is attempting to mimic the main network. There are a few problems here: There are no miners on Ganache. Because of this, yo