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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn message exchange pattern

[Message Queue] Message Exchange Pattern - MEP

Six Message Exchange Patterns There are three MEPs to choose from: Datagram ( IInputChannel  and  IOutputChannel ) When using a datagram MEP, a client sends a message using a  fire and forget  exchange. A fire and forget exchange is one that requires out-of-band confirmation of successful delivery. The message might be lost in transit and never reach the service. If the send operation completes successfully at the client end, it does not guarantee that the remote endpoint has received the message. The datagram is a fundamental building block for messaging, as you can build your own protocols on top of it—including reliable protocols and secure protocols. Client datagram channels implement the IOutputChannel  interface and service datagram channels implement the  IInputChannel interface. Request-Response ( IRequestChannel  and  IReplyChannel ) In this MEP, a message is sent, and a reply is received. The pattern consists of request-response pairs. Examples of request-respons